Nivetha Murugesan
Nivetha Murugesan
PhD Student
My research interests include studying the evolution of adaptive traits. For my PhD, I investigated the evolution of colour and pattern traits in squirrels. Using image analysis on museum skins, I investigated environmental associations of coat colour and pattern traits. Using bioinformatics tools, I explored the historical demographic fluctuations of species with specific color pattern traits as they responded to past climatic fluctuations. I also investigated the signals of positive selection in rodent species. While working at the lab, I was also part of projects examining morphological variation in small mammals using museum skull images and variation in acoustic behavior in palm squirrels using field recordings. I am particularly eager to develop my skills in data science and analysis. I have parallel interests in communicating environmental issues in the Tamil language.
Talks and Posters
- Nivetha M, Senan D'Souza, Shijisha AC, Russel Ligon and R Nandini. Evidence for multi-functional selection of coat color and pattern in palm squirrels. Talk at the 59th annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Coimbatore, 02-06 July 2023.
- Nivetha M, Senan D'Souza, Shijisha AC, Russel Ligon and R Nandini. Multi-functional evolution of palm squirrel coat color and pattern. Talk at the 4th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Evolutionary Biology, Ahmedabad University, 9-11 February 2023.
- Nivetha M, Suyash S, Amira S, Shijisha AC and R Nandini. Evolution and significance of signaling traits in squirrels. IISER Tirupati Bio Day. 7th March 2020. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13140164.v3
- Nivetha Murugesan, Viral Joshi and R. Nandini. Vocalization interaction between squirrel and bird communities: habitat selection, niche filling or camouflage? National Symposium of Avian Biology, IISER Tirupati. 8th December 2019.
- Nivetha Murugesan, Aravind PS and Nandini Rajamani. Acoustic signals of species recognition in palm squirrels. Bioacoustics meeting, IISER. 14 March 2019.
- Nivetha M. and Nandini, R. Evolution of sexual dimorphism in gliding mammals. Young Ecologists Talk and Interact 2018. Ahmedabad, Gujarat. February 2018.
Received the ATBC Global Support grant for participation in the 59th annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Coimbatore, 02-06 July 2023.
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