What we do

Research #

Our research explores the evolution and behaviour of small mammals, focusing on Trait Evolution and Ecological Adaptations. We uncover patterns and evolutionary reasons for diversity in traits like colour, morphology, acoustics, and behaviours across groups of related species. We examine the local adaptations of species at small and large scales, and how these change in response to climate change and anthropogenic impacts. We study non-model organisms, including squirrels and pikas, using a combination of field, lab, and computational techniques.


Outreach #

Outreach forms an important part of the work we do in the Sciurid Lab. We aim to bring our research to the general audience, in a manner that is appealing and informative. Social media platforms allow us to reach a wider audience, and together with citizen science platforms, we can engage with people to disseminate information about squirrels while also encouraging participation.


Teaching #

Teaching is an integral part of life at IISER Tirupati, and provides a creative platform to engage young students in exploring and recognising biodiversity, evolutionary patterns and animal behaviour in the environments around them.
